Saturday, November 26, 2022

Looking Ahead to Advent

This week we'll be wrapping up November and counting our blessings. Then we'll move into the exciting church season of Advent! Everyone LOVES Christmas and we'll learn it's much more than  Santa Claus and the presents we receive.

In Bible we'll finish learning about the first tabernacle and why it was a special, holy place. We'll begin Advent by understanding the experiences of Zechariah and Elizabeth. Our class will discuss the role of angels as God's messengers in this first important Advent story.

In reading we'll add a new vowel and vowel sign to our decoding. Students will practice the vowel 'i' and review the letter 'j' as we write and read. Our class will learn the new red words: of, like. We'll play several games to practice reading them fluently. After writing words in our dictation practice, we'll add writing sentences. Students will learn to check for the essentials of good sentence structure: beginning with a capitol letter, spelling, spacing and a meaningful end mark.

At story time, we'll discuss main events and recall the main events in a text. Students will compare characters and settings in a story.

Early in the week, we'll learn how to add and subtract using vertical equations. We'll have time to do our first fluency timed drills to see how fast we can answer addition and subtraction problems from 0-5. If that goes well, we'll begin a new module on how to count and write to 10. 

In music and art, our focus is Christmas! We are singing Christmas songs, and listening to Christmas music as we begin many Christmas art projects to give as gifts and to decorate our room.

Students will learn the difference between needs and wants as we move into a new social studies unit on economics. 

In science we'll learn some ways we can use less of our natural resources and take better care of the earth. Students will use their knowledge of the water cycle to make predictions on how to recycle paper. We'll begin an experiment to prove how removing water can separate different materials.

It will be busy, and fun as we learn new things and practice our skills. School is a great place to be!

Mrs. Luoma

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