Monday, November 4, 2019

So Much To Be Thankful For

We’re back to a regular full week schedule this week.  It’s close to the end of the first trimester and report cards will be out soon.  I’m looking forward to all our parent teacher conferences as there is so much progress to share for each student.  Grades in Kindergarten are part art and science.  We strive to have every type of learner shine so we do many different types of assessments from written tests and quizzes, oral one on one assessments to observing games and daily participation.

This week in reading we will be reviewing the letter sounds and practicing careful writing.  On Friday we will have a quiz over letters Zz and Ss plus several more.  Students will review their first trimester sight words in text.  Our class will begin analyzing a new book, sketching vocabulary words , sounding out words and writing sentences.  At story time we will identify rhyming words from a text.

We’ll start a new chapter in math on numbers 11-20.  Students will use ten frames to count by tens and then by ones as they learn.  This helps lay a foundation of understanding place value.  Everyone practices careful counting to 30 at carpet time.

In science we will discus ways to block the sun and keep cool.  Students will begin designs to make shade.  We will start putting together the pages of our science notebooks on Weather.

It’s a really busy time in music, with Christmas program practice being a priority. We practice K-8, K-2 and in our classroom every week.  The songs are sounding beautiful!  We'll also get to hear the Kennewick High School choir sing; that will inspire us to keep singing.

In art we will study the artist Jasper John and create ten frames filled with fancy numbers.

I am thankful for a full week of fun and learning ahead, thankful for how far this class has come and thankful for all our families. 

With a full heart,

Mrs. Luoma

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