Tuesday, September 18, 2018

What's the Weather Like Today?

We are beginning our first science unit on the weather.  We will be learning all about weather science, forms of water and severe weather.  Help your child watch the weather and decide how to be prepared.

Our day began with a Bible story about how God created the animals on earth.  We are constantly amazed that God has created so many good things.

In reading we focused on a letter review and understanding the sound a short 'e' makes.  Remember to review letters and sounds often if you see your child has challenges.  Our third 'I Can Read Reader' went home today.  Thank you for remembering to read with your child and keep their reading log updated and in their folder!

We practiced the three different forms of the number 3 in math: number, word and grouping.

After lunch we had fun learning more about colors in Spanish with Mr. Reyes.

It was fun to find out what our class knows about the weather.  Today we began a poster on what weather is and discussed temperature, humidity, precipitation and wind speed.  We took a quick trip outside to check the weather with our senses.  I hope your child begins to check the weather daily to help them know what to wear to school.

Our story was about a bunch of farm animals that were trying to sleep.  The class helped make a list of all the animal characters in the text.

For learning centers we played a name game, sorted by two or more attributes, built with blocks and sorted upper and lower case letters on the board.

It was a productive Tuesday in Kindergarten.  We love seeing the smiles as students are proud of their work.

Mrs. Luoma

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