Sunday, April 21, 2024

Sharing What We've Learned

 This week our class will have the privilege of sharing what we've learned with the school and our parents. We will teach the chapel message by acting out a play based on a Bible story and singing. This has taken a lot of practice, but practice is what enables us to communicate what we know. It's not any different in math or reading; we practice to get more skills and confidence. On Wednesday you'll see a combination of knowledge, acting, singing, cooperation, patience and listening. They will all add up to presenting a story with clarity and joy. On Friday, our class will perform a poem where we show knowledge, timing, and good humor. We hope you'll be at both performances and enjoy watching how we've grown.

Students will start the week off with a new seating arrangement. It's always exciting to try out a different place in the classroom and get to know new classmates better. We'll be sitting in square groups of four to enable good discussions with our classmates. Our new character word will be 'cooperation'. Students will earn points as they cooperate with helping their color group to succeed.

Also, students will see Drago in our classroom all set up in a cozy habitat. We will be learning about what Drago's needs are and how to help take care of him. Students will also write facts about Drago.

In reading and writing we will study the unvoiced sound of 'th' (as in the word 'thumb'). We'll read, write and spell using digraphs. Students will count syllables in words and diagram syllables in two syllable words. New red words are: come, some. At story time, we'll discuss comprehension questions, story events and facts from the text.

We will finish up our module on place value in math this week and take a test on Friday. Students are learning how to split the tens and ones in a two digit number and create an addition sentence.

There's a lot going in science this week! We will make our weekly observation of our pumpkin seeds/plants. Last week we noted that some students had germination, but some did not. We did some replanting and are hoping everyone will have a healthy pumpkin plant soon. This week our new living things get delivered. We will be meeting our big, beautiful Bess Beetles and begin to study their life cycle. These beetles will live in a tank in our classroom for the remainder of the year. They eat a special type of tree bark and are very shy.

Mrs. Arnold is helping us to perfect our song for our chapel play and teaching us a new blessing song for our Mother's Day Picnic coming up in May.

The art lesson this week is on symmetry and we will make beautiful symmetrical butterflies...that are also 3D. Our vocabulary and skills are growing by leaps and bounds! We'll be relating symmetry to math and shapes, and also to living things. Students will discovers many living things are symmetrical.

This will be a big week! We are hoping attendance and spirits to be high. 

Watch us soar,

Mrs. Luoma

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