Sunday, February 7, 2021

So Many Surprises

This last week has been full of surprises for us all that have required quick adjustments.  Unplanned changes can certainly cause anxiety.  I hope you are taking your cares and challenges to the Lord, trusting Him as we navigate a new course.  

As our school continues a quarantine break to get healthy, I hope you've also experience new blessings.  We are so proud with how our class has responded to learning from home.  We can tell you are working hard to help your student continue learning.  Our BLS staff has rallied to support the sick and encourage each other as we manage new systems quickly.  Thank you for being patient and careful to help us weather this time.  God willing we will all be together again on February 16th, well and ready to roll!

Here's what we'll serve up for this week: Monday we will be using the materials in your folder. Students will number and color words at the beginning and end of the day.  We will learn more about Zacchaeus in Bible.  In reading, students will review a portion of our anchor text, 'I Love Saturdays y Domingos' and show comprehension by writing about the story.  In math, we'll compare temperatures as we look at another form of measurement.  Students will write about forces in their writing journals, identifying a push and a pull.  At story time, we'll hear about an adventure that takes place in France.  Students will use clues from the illustrations and text to understand new vocabulary.

Tuesday and Wednesday we'll post videos on our main subjects with ideas on how to practice concepts we have already covered.  Take advantage of this time to study letter, sounds, sight words and the Bible verse for this month.  

What about Day 100 and Valentine's Day?  Kindergarten will celebrate these important events once we return to the classroom!  Go ahead and get your valentines ready and bring them to school on the 16th.  We will plan our valentine party for Wednesday, February 17th.  Students will also spend the day celebrating passing the 100th day of school that day.

While change is stressful, we know that God will use it all for good.  Hang in there, we'll be together soon!

Mrs. Luoma

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