Wednesday, February 8, 2017

What are forces?

We began a new science unit today on the forces of pulls and pushes.  The class did a great job of identifying the difference between pushes and pulls in photos and using words to describe the force.
In reading we found and wrote words with the long 'i' sound. 
We talked a lot about feelings at story time and students identified the feelings the characters were feeling.
In math we used the plus sign in our addition sentences.  We compared and contrasted number and word sentences.
It's close to Day 100 so we wrote about what we'd like to have 100 of for our very own.
Mr. Blank taught us about how God can restore our sinful parts and make us new again as he showed us how he has needed to renovate his old house.
In learning centers we played a vowel game, decorated our Valentine bags, played with forces on marble tracks and build shelters for animals and people.

The snow is crazy, be safe and warm out there!

Mrs. Luoma

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