Sunday, February 4, 2024

How Do We Show Love?

It's February so everyone is excited for Valentine's Day. We've been talking about how we can show love to others in class. Your kids know kind words, helping hands and smiles all show love. We'll be discussing how to keep love a daily goal all year long. 

I'm looking forward to another full week of learning and fun. I hope the sun comes out and we see the first signs of Spring.

As we study God's Word this week, we'll learn what Jesus was teaching at the Sermon on the Mount. We'll practice the monthly Bible memory verse using ASL signs to help us remember key words.

Our focus in phonics and reading will be on the letter Ss. This is a tricky one to write, so we'll spend extra time on writing until we get it right. We'll be reading, writing and spelling using 's' in words. New red words are: his, as. Students will begin a new informational writing piece about forces where we will write about what we are learning in science. At story time, we'll discuss story events and ask higher level questions challenging students to compare, contrast and make inferences.

In math, we'll finish up our latest module on adding and subtracting to 10 and take a test. Next, we'll begin writing equations where we solve for a specific group. This requires a deep understanding of how addition and subtraction work, great listening skills and checking for errors. This module lays the foundation for first grade and beyond. 

Students will be using forces to begin motion in a system in science. We'll answer questions about the direction of the forces at play and use appropriate vocabulary to explain our learning.

Color groups are taking turns to accompany the class as we sing and act out motions to songs in music. We are also learning new worship and prayerful songs.

I will begin second trimester one on one assessments in preparation for report cards. I enjoy spending time with each student and learning more about what they know. There's always a lot to celebrate.

It's going to be a good week; I'm so thankful for all the ways our class shows love to others. I'm sure it makes God smile.

Mrs. Luoma

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