Monday, January 7, 2019

Our first full week in the new year!

What's new in Kindergarten this week?

In our Bible studies we are finishing the story of the Magi and will begin practice on our chapel play coming in early February.  Everyone is super excited to learn more about the parts they will play in teaching the school about unity.
We're excited to begin learning the rules for long vowel sounds in reading and apply them to our writing.  Our focus is on sentence structure now, remembering to begin each sentence with an uppercase letter, finger spacing between words and finishing with an end mark.  Ask your child to sing the song we learned about sentence structure!
In math we will be practicing careful counting to 20, number order and decomposing numbers into two groups. 
It will be exciting to begin a new science unit on living things.  First we will develop questions to analyze if something is living, then we will begin learning about the life cycle of a plant.
Our class is beginning to pick up pace and stretch themselves as they move deeper into reading and writing, math and science. It's so exciting to watch our class learn.

Thank you for all you do to help your child at home,

Mrs. Luoma

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