Thursday, June 7, 2018

Yearbooks are coming soon

Tomorrow all the students at BLS will get their yearbooks!  I know our class will love looking through them and seeing their pictures and their friends on the pages.  We've talked about how to take good care of their yearbooks.  We mentioned they'll want to keep them to show their own families some day.
This morning we began our day with a Bible story and thanked God for how he surprises us with good things some days.
We took a syllable quiz in reading and went on to write about being first graders.
The class had a Lego weight challenge experiment to do in math.  We recorded and compared results. 
After lunch and PE outside we analyzed the results of our graph on temperature.  The class made conclusions about how the sun warms the earth.  From our graph of temperatures in the sun and shade on our playground at lunch, we drew the conclusion that anything that blocks the sun (trees, clouds, buildings) causes a decrease in the ability of the sun to warm the earth.
We heard a funny and informative book about a Pink Blob fish and other interesting animals.  The class counted syllables in some of the challenging words.
In learning centers we practiced rapid addition and subtraction skills, built, created art and tried our hand at coding on the OSMOs.
We are still going strong...just four days left!

Seeing summer coming,

Mrs. Luoma

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