Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Move Up Day

This afternoon the K-7th grade classes had a chance to move up to the next grade.  Our class got to meet Ms. Closner and they came back so excited for first grade.  Ask them at home tonight about some of the things they learned or liked about the first grade classroom and teacher.
In the morning in Bible time we covered the end of the Lord's Prayer.  Each day we are learning what the words mean and why Jesus said this was our example of how to pray.  Since it was afternoon chapel today, we flipped reading into our morning and worked on a number of things: writing missed sight words, reading, writing in our journals, taking AR tests and going through some individual assessments.
The class was graphing up a storm in math, practicing skills that will carry over into next year.
After lunch we practiced songs for graduation and heard an interesting story about perspective and respecting others.  Students learned about homonyms and identified several from the text. 
Pastor Mark spoke at chapel and related clouds to scripture.  We all were excited to go out to recess and check out the clouds after that.
At the end of the day we debriefed on what we learned at move up day and then heard all about the Mid-Columbia Libraries summer reading program.  We are doing all we can to encourage lots of summer reading!

Read a good book tonight with your child,

Mrs. Luoma

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