Monday, April 16, 2018

We have a voice

One of our most important lessons in school is learning to find our voice and use it appropriately.  We learn to say the truth, to remind others to do the right thing and we learn we have a voice to teach.  Our class is very happy to know they will be honored to teach the chapel lesson on May 16th.  We have much to do before then; everyone needs to learn lines and practice, practice, practice.  Some students will be asked to created special pictures to illustrate our story on a power point. 
This morning in reading we wrote our new sight words: said and say.  We practiced reading and played a reading game.
This week in math we are beginning a chapter on using time.  We will study calendar and clock skills.
After P.E. in the afternoon, we practiced our chapel play.  At story time the class heard a funny story about a peddler, caps and monkeys.  We practiced recalling story events.
We worked on a math app at the end of the day and practiced math skills with a partner.

Thank you for a good day of learning, Kindergarten!

Mrs. Luoma

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