Thursday, August 31, 2017

Learning to listen is hard, but good

One of the best things to learn as school begins is to listen and follow directions.  It's not easy, but it will reap rewards.  Everyone in class is practicing this concept and making progress, it's normal for it to take lots of practice.
Today we began the day with a devotion and prayer.  The class identified and described the characters in from a narrative book.  After a dance break, we began phonics and writing practice on the letter Aa.
In math we are learning more and more about sorting and applying it to multiple subjects.  Our first chapter is fairly easy so the main take-away is about listening and following directions on table work...that part is challenging.
After lunch time, we had our first P.E. class with Miss Stueve out on the play ground.  After a cool down and lots of water, we continued our tracing practice using pencils and then crayons.  Our story was about how people are both alike and different.
Our day ended with a free play time after we had a little scissor practice.  The whole class proved that they were quite comfortable using scissors!
Tomorrow is the end of our week, with each day and each week you'll see your kids growing smarter and stronger!


Mrs. Luoma

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